
Showing posts from April, 2024

Video and Sound Production / Exercises

22.04.2024 - 19.05.2024 (Week 1 - Week 4) Gunn Joey / 0366122 Video and Sound Production / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Exercises TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Module Information Booklet 2. Week 1 Task Editing Exercises Quiz Result 3. Week 2 Task Framing & Storyboard Exercises Shooting Exercise Editing: Lalin Asynchronous Class Materials Questions Quiz Result 4. Week 3 Task Asynchronous Class Materials Questions Quiz Result 5. Week 4 Task Asynchronous Class Materials Questions Quiz Result MODULE INFORMATION BOOKLET WEEK 1 TASK Editing Exercises After the module briefing is given by Mr Martin, our first task of the first week is to import footage into Premiere Pro and arrange shots on timeline with proper order. There are two editing exercises. Class editing exercises and independent learning exercise. 1. Mints - class editing exercise 2. Doritos - independent learning exercise Asynchronous Class Materials  Reflection: Camera shots  are sufficient aspect of f

Interactive Design / Exercises

23.04.2024 - 20.07.2024 (Week 1 - Week 4) Gunn Joey / 0366122 Interactive Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Exercises TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Module Information Booklet 2. Lectures 3. Exercise 1 - Web Analysis 4. Exercise 2 - Web Replication 5. Exercise 3 - Creating a Recipe Card MODULE INFORMATION BOOKLET LECTURES Week 1 Usability: Designing Products for User Satisfaction What is Usability? Usability refers to how effectively, efficiently, and successfully a particular user can utilise a product or design in a certain situation. It is the second level of UX Design. A designs usability depends on how well its features accommodate users' needs and contexts. An interface with high usability guides users through its easiest route to achieve its goal. Key Principle of Usability: 1. Consistency