Interactive Design / Project 2

29.05.2024 - 29.062024 (Week 6 - Week 10)
Gunn Joey / 0366122
Interactive Design / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Project 2: Working Web Page


  1. Module Information Booklet (MIB)
  2. Project 2: Working Web Page


PROJECT 2: Werking Web Page


This assignment aims to create a fully functional and interactive web page based on our Project 1 static prototype. Using the skills we learned in web layout class, we will produce a functional website that closely resembles our initial prototype. 

  • Review our static prototype from Project 1 and analyse its layout, typography, colour scheme, and imagery.
  • Use HTML and CSS to translate the design elements into code, ensuring a faithful representation of the original prototype.
  • Aim for pixel-perfect precision while maintaining responsive design principles to ensure compatibility across different devices and screen sizes.
  • Upload the file in Netlify, update e-portfolio with all the processes documented in the blog, and submit the link as a submission.

Firstly, I study the layout of my project 1 design. 

Figure 1: Resume Figma 

The HTML of the profile image, header text and contact were first added in the source code. For the contact section, I insert images of icons.

Figure 2: profile image, header text and contact HTML code 

Then, I linked my css file and added few css style for the first part. For the profile picture, I added border-radius to match with the design in Figma.

Figure 2: profile image, header text and contact CSS code

Figure 3: profile image, header text and contact CSS code

Figure 4: profile image, header text and contact CSS code

Figure 5: profile image, header text and contact CSS code

The second section of my resume is experiences section. I added h2, h3 and li for this section.

Figure 6: Experiences HTML code

The list-style-type of li was applied to disc in the css style.

Figure 7: Experiences CSS code

The education and projects were placed in a row. I added a div class for education-projects. <span> was also added in education section.

Figure 8: Education-projects HTML code

I added vertical line between education and projects.

Figure 9: Education-projects CSS code

Figure 10: Education-projects CSS code

For the skills section, the adobe icons and the li text are placed in a row.

Figure 11: Skills HTML code

I added float: left for the adobe icons in css style.

Figure 12: Skills CSS code
Figure 13: Skills CSS code


HTML code:

CSS code:


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