Video and Sound Production / Project 1

22.04.2024 - 00.00.2024 (Week 1 - Week 6)
Gunn Joey / 0366122
Video and Sound Production / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Project 1: Audio Editing Exercises


1. Module Information Booklet
2. Lectures
3. Progression
4. Submission



1.Hard Sound effects: Specific sounds that are added to a film to enhance a particular action or event, such as a door creaking, glass breaking, or a gunshot.

2.Ambient effects: Background noise in a film, such as traffic, wind, or crowd noise, that helps to create a sense of environment and atmosphere.

Project 1 Progression

Audio Dubbing


  1. Place audio files on timeline, sync it with video.

  2. Audio track: 

3 tracks for dialogue, one character one track. 

4 tracks for sound effects, 

3 tracks for ambience sound.

  1. Edit voice from female to male, male to female, human to cute animal/adult to kid: Premiere Pro → Audio Effects → Pitch Shifter → Semi tones. 

  2. Volume: Dialogue: between -6dB & -12dB, Ambience: below -20dB, Hard sound effects: Depend.)

Figure 1: Spreadsheet

Figure 2: Recordings of dialogue

Firstly, I recorded the dialogue in the given video using iPhone Voice Memos. Although there are only three characters and not many dialogue to record, this part took a lot of time as I need to match the tone and speed with the characters.

Figure 3: Speed Adjustment

After importing the original video, I arranged the dialogue to match with the scene. Some of my  recordings are quite slow, so I right click on the audio and find for speed adjustment to make them faster.

Figure 4: Sound Effect and Ambience Sound Tracks

Figure 5: Dialogue tracks

There are 10 tracks for audio files in the timeline. Mr Martin told us to put 3 tracks for dialogue, each character has one track. 4 tracks for sound effect and 3 tracks for ambience sound. Mr Martin also provided us free website to download sound effect. Majority of my sound effect and ambience sound are downloaded in the website.

Timeline for audio
A1-A3: dialogue tracks
A4-A7: sound effect tracks
A8-A10: ambience sound tracks

Figure 6: Volume Adjustment
I followed the instructions in Google Slide and adjust the volume for audios. After the adjustment, it makes the outcome of the video more natural.

Dialogue: -6db
Sound Effect; -10db
Ambience Sound: -20db

Figure 7: Croos Dissolve

In previous lesson, Mr Martin taught us the use of cross dissolve. I added cross dissolve at the beginning and ending of the video.


Figure 8: Project 1 Submission


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