Design Principles / Task 3: Design

08.03.2024 - 22.03.2024 (Week 5 - Week 7)
Gunn Joey / 0366122
Design Principles / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Task 3: Design




After completing task 2, we are required to work creatively in designing our own artwork for the previous chosen topic. The artwork should be created in relation to our knowledge of design principles.
Do research about the chosen topic and draw 3-5 sketches before finalizing. We may use any medium and materials that are suitable to create our artwork.


Figure 1.1: Reference 1

Figure 1.2: Reference 2

Figure 1.3: Reference 3

Figure 1.4: Reference 4

Figure 1.5: Reference 5

Figure 1.6: Reference 6

Figure 1.7: Reference 7


Figure 2.1: Sketches

Figure 2.2: Sketches

Figure 2.3: Sketches


Figure 3.1: Process 1

Figure 3.2: Process 2

Figure 3.3: Process 3

Figure 3.4: Process 4

Figure 3.5: Process 5


Figure 4.1: Final Outcome


In my artwork, the man and woman facing each other show the message of gender equality. Their equal sight represents we are all equal individuals. The feature of the woman is the necklace on the neck. The colour of the woman's clothing is set as pink to represent femininity. Collar shirt symbolize men's clothing. I set the colour as blue because blue is considered as a masculine colour. The equal sign is the main element to bring out the message of equal rights for men and women. I chose purple as the colour of equal sign as it represents the fight for gender equality and international women's day.

The design principles I have used is emphasis and symbol of the equal sign in the centre. This artwork is asymmetrical balance as the artwork has unequal visual weight on either side but balances each other. It has similarity in the size of objects. There is unity as the elements are used in a balanced way to create the same theme.

"No matter who you are, your skin colour, gender identity: speak yourself." This is the message I wanted to send from this artwork, achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

(201 words)


Week 7: Preferred sketch: 2nd sketch. Make the equal sign special. Think about the colours of woman and man or maybe just make them in outline style. Ms. Jinchi suggested that I can make them facing each other and add jewellery on the woman, collar on the man.

Week 8: The woman and man facing each other looks a bit aggressive. Make them smile at each other it will be better. There are many visual reference about man and woman smiling at and facing each other in a friendly way.



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