Information Design / Exercises

03.02.2025 - 28.03.2025 / (Week 1 - Week 7) Gunn Joey / 0366122 Information Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Exercises TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Module Information Booklet 2. Lectures 3. Exercises - Exercise 1: Quantifiable Information - Exercise 2: L.A.T.C.H Infographic Poster 4. Feedback 5. Reflection MODULE INFORMATION BOOKLET LECTURES EXERCISES Exercise 1: Quantifiable Information Quantify raw data and visualize information as a photograph Visual representation of numerical data that allows for easy interpretation and analysis. Instruction: Gather a set of objects and separate it into category such as color, shape, pattern, and other quantifiable factor. For example, a b ox of lego, jar o...